Food Hygiene Ratings Support.

Our expert advice will guide your business through the compliance minefield.

Achieving a 5 Food Hygiene Rating

Nansen Green offers a comprehensive range of support solutions for you to choose from to fit around your business's needs and budget. Our HACCP trained and experienced consultants can provide your business the expertise to achieve the respected “5 Hygiene Rating”, in fact we will go even further and aim for our coveted “6 Star Rating”, a clean sweep, zero deductions, the highest food safety score possible.

Our support packages range from one-off advisory visits through to comprehensive food safety service contracts tailored to your businesses specific needs.

Get ahead of the competition with a “5 Star Food Hygiene Rating”

  • "Greater awareness of Food Hygiene Ratings through social media and smartphone apps has provided the general public with increased awareness of the hygiene standards when eating out. The recent research shows customers are becoming choosy and often voting with their feet. Potential footfall is now being lost when FOOD HYGIENE RATINGS fall BELOW 4/5.”

    Dominic Green MCIEH MIH